[Winpcap-users] Regarding packet send and recieve.

inter inter intercepter.mail at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 09:12:58 PDT 2010

just look for some special parameter in incoming packets, in case of tcp you
can catch packet with *your special* tcp port or ack\seq numbers and so
this is your task, not task of winpcap.

2010/7/16 Mygapula, Sudheer IN BLR SISL <sudheer.mygapula at siemens.com>

>  Hello,
> I have one basic doubt regarding packet sending and receiving.
> How I can do the concept of sending packet to some device and waiting
> response from the device until time out.
> I mean to say while raw socket communication if you send packet using
> sendTo function after that
> Will be waiting until response comes from the device using receive from
> socket.
> Is it possible to do it using Winpcap lib also.
> After sending pcap_send if I call pcap_next_ex() then there might be chance
> I will be sniffing so many unnecessary responses.
> Is there any way to do it.
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