Bandwidth to frame rate converter
How many packets of a certain size correspond to a specific bandwidth on an
Ethernet Network? |
Full bandwidth to frame rate converter
What is the maximum amount of packets with a certain size that can be
transmitted on an Ethernet network? |
Frame rate to bandwidth converter
What is the total bandwidth generated by a certain frame rate, including
Inter frame Gap and Preamble? |
Uilization calculator
What is the effective bandwidth carried by an Ethernet Network with frames
of a certain size? ** |
* Frame size including FCS can be between 64 and
1518 bytes for regular Ethernet frames, and between 64 and 1522
bytes for VLAN tagged frames.
** Effective Bandwidth is calculated as: Total Bw - (Preamble Bw
+ Inter Frame Gap Bw + FCS Bw + Ethernet Headers Bw).