Data Fields |
PDEVICE_EXTENSION | DeviceExtension |
NDIS_HANDLE | AdapterHandle |
| NDIS idetifier of the adapter used by this instance.
UINT | Medium |
NDIS_HANDLE | PacketPool |
| Pool of NDIS_PACKET structures used to transfer the packets from and to the NIC driver.
KSPIN_LOCK | RequestSpinLock |
| SpinLock used to synchronize the OID requests.
LIST_ENTRY | RequestList |
| List of pending OID requests.
LIST_ENTRY | ResetIrpList |
| List of pending adapter reset requests.
| Array of structures that wrap every single OID request.
PMDL | BufferMdl |
| Pointer to a Memory descriptor list (MDL) that maps the circular buffer's memory.
PKEVENT | ReadEvent |
| Pointer to the event on which the read calls on this instance must wait.
PUCHAR | bpfprogram |
UINT | MinToCopy |
int | mode |
| Working mode of the driver. See PacketSetMode() for details.
| Amount of bytes accepted by the filter when this instance is in statistical mode.
LARGE_INTEGER | Npackets |
| Number of packets accepted by the filter when this instance is in statistical mode.
NDIS_SPIN_LOCK | CountersLock |
| SpinLock that protects the statistical mode counters.
UINT | Nwrites |
ULONG | Multiple_Write_Counter |
| Counts the number of times a single write has already physically repeated.
NDIS_EVENT | WriteEvent |
| Event used to synchronize the multiple write process.
BOOLEAN | WriteInProgress |
NDIS_SPIN_LOCK | WriteLock |
| SpinLock that protects the WriteInProgress variable.
NDIS_EVENT | NdisRequestEvent |
| Event used to synchronize I/O requests with the callback structure of NDIS.
BOOLEAN | SkipSentPackets |
| True if this instance should not capture back the packets that it transmits.
| Maintains the status of and OID request call, that will be passed to the application.
HANDLE | DumpFileHandle |
| Handle of the file used in dump mode.
PFILE_OBJECT | DumpFileObject |
| Pointer to the object of the file used in dump mode.
PKTHREAD | DumpThreadObject |
| Pointer to the object of the thread used in dump mode.
HANDLE | DumpThreadHandle |
| Handle of the thread created by dump mode to asynchronously move the buffer to disk.
NDIS_EVENT | DumpEvent |
| Event used to synchronize the dump thread with the tap when the instance is in dump mode.
LARGE_INTEGER | DumpOffset |
| Current offset in the dump file.
| String containing the name of the dump file.
UINT | MaxDumpBytes |
UINT | MaxDumpPacks |
BOOLEAN | DumpLimitReached |
MEM_TYPE | mem_ex |
| Memory used by the TME virtual co-processor.
TME_CORE | tme |
| Data structure containing the virtualization of the TME co-processor.
NDIS_SPIN_LOCK | MachineLock |
| SpinLock that protects the BPF filter and the TME engine, if in use.
UINT | MaxFrameSize |
CpuPrivateData | CpuData [32] |
| Pool of kernel buffer structures, one for each CPU.
ULONG | ReaderSN |
| Sequence number of the next packet to be read from the pool of kernel buffers.
ULONG | WriterSN |
ULONG | Size |
| Size of each kernel buffer contained in the CpuData field.
ULONG | AdapterHandleUsageCounter |
NDIS_SPIN_LOCK | AdapterHandleLock |
ULONG | AdapterBindingStatus |
| Specifies if NPF is still bound to the adapter used by this instance, it's unbinding or it's not bound.
NDIS_EVENT | NdisOpenCloseCompleteEvent |
NDIS_EVENT | NdisWriteCompleteEvent |
| Event that is signalled when all the packets have been successfully sent by NdisSend (and corresponfing sendComplete has been called).
NTSTATUS | OpenCloseStatus |
ULONG | TransmitPendingPackets |
| Specifies the number of packets that are pending to be transmitted, i.e. have been submitted to NdisSendXXX but the SendComplete has not been called yet.
This is the most important structure of NPF: it is used by almost all the functions of the driver. An _OPEN_INSTANCE structure is associated with every user-level session, allowing concurrent access to the driver.