[Winpcap-users] pcap_fopen_offline() and pcap_close()

Fish" (David B. Trout fish at infidels.org
Fri Jan 27 17:47:19 PST 2012

To whom it may concern:

I apologize sincerely for not being able to answer your question personally, but personal considerations are
making it rather difficult for me to answer the many emails that I receive.

If you have any questions -- especially regarding CTCI-WIN -- that can be answered by someone else (e.g. any of Hercules related lists for example), I would like to kindly ask you to PLEASE ask that other person.

Please know that I am saving all of your emails (I don't throw any of them away) and hope to eventually answer them all. The only question is when, which I cannot answer at this time.

In the mean time, I would like to direct your attention to the Hercules-390 technical support forum on Yahoo, which should be your primary means of Hercules technical support.




"If you have any questions or comments, join the hercules-390 discussion group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hercules-390."



"Technical Support"

"If you have a question about Hercules, please refer to the Hercules Frequently-Asked Questions page first. If your question and/or concern 

is not addressed in the FAQ, please feel free to post your question to the Hercules-390 forum:"

  Community email addresses:
    Post message: hercules-390 at yahoogroups.com
    Subscribe:    hercules-390-subscribe at yahoogroups.com
    Unsubscribe:  hercules-390-unsubscribe at yahoogroups.com
    List owner:   hercules-390-owner at yahoogroups.com

  Files and archives at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hercules-390

"The Hercules-390 forum is in fact your primary source for Hercules support, and you are strongly encouraged to subscribe. We have a vibrant, active community of over 3700+ members, many of which are very knowledgeable in many different areas of mainframe technology, both from a hardware point of view as well as from an operating system and software point of view."

"In addition to the main Hercules-390 forum, other more specialized Hercules forums also exist to provide more focused support for a variety of popular IBM mainframe operating systems, such as DOS/VS, VM (VM/370, VM/SP, and VM/ESA), and MVS."


While I hope to continue being helpful once I am able to get through the personal issues I am currently wrestling with and sincerely wish you the very best in the mean time, I feel it is important to remind you that it is far better to ask your question to an audience of over 6000+ Hercules enthusiasts than it is to one overworked and extremely busy and underpaid developer.

"Fish" (David B. Trout) 
 fish at softdevlabs.com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: winpcap-users-bounces at winpcap.org [mailto:winpcap-users-
> bounces at winpcap.org] On Behalf Of Boaz Brickner
> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 2:34 AM
> To: winpcap-users at winpcap.org
> Subject: [Winpcap-users] pcap_fopen_offline() and pcap_close()
> Importance: High
> Hi,
> In Pcap.Net (http://pcapdot.net), I'm using pcap_fopen_offline() to open
> files.
> Since this function assumes the FILE* argument it gets is already open, does
> calling pcap_close() on its output also closes that FILE* or do I need to
> close it separately.
> At first, I thought I need to close it separately, but from some debugging it
> seems to me that pcap_fopen_offline() actually takes ownership over the FILE*
> so pcap_close() will close it.
> I just want to verify that I understand the behavior correctly.
> Thanks,
> Boaz.

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