[Winpcap-users] How to get local MAC address ?

Fish" (David B. Trout fish at infidels.org
Mon Sep 12 14:24:37 PDT 2011

Wentao Shang wrote:

> One solution is to compare the 'AdapterName' field

(Or maybe Description?  Or maybe FriendlyName?)

> in IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES struct with the field in pcap_if_t struct
> (i don't remember the name).


> You may first get the whole pcap_if_t struct list then select
> the one you need.

I agree.  That is probably the best way.  Scan the list of IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES returned by GetAdaptersAddresses and find(*) the entry for the WinPCap adapter you're interested in.

"Fish" (David B. Trout) 
 fish at softdevlabs.com

(*) AdapterName? Description? FriendlyName? Not sure which one is correct, but I seem to recall ONE of them matches the WinPCap Description field (I think).

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