[Winpcap-users] FW: NPF Service on Windows 2008 R2

Steve Thomas sthomas at rpscommunications.co.uk
Mon Jul 4 12:42:30 PDT 2011


Is anyone able to help me with this?


From: Steve Thomas
Sent: 03 July 2011 16:47
To: 'winpcap-users at winpcap.org'
Subject: NPF Service on Windows 2008 R2


I'm looking for some help on getting WinPCap running on my Windows 2008 R2 64 bit virtual machine. I have researched the problem but yet to find a fix.

I have installed version 4.1.2 from the website and install appears to run successfully. For information, I installed using "Run As Administrator". When I attempt to start the npf service from an elevated command prompt: "net start npf" I get:

C:\Users\Administrator>net start npf
System error 1275 has occurred.

This driver has been blocked from loading

Can anyone offer any suggestions on how I get this working?


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