[Winpcap-users] how to find active ports

rajath kumara rajathkumara at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 04:46:27 PDT 2011


Kindly suggest me how to proceed for the below mentioned problem.
your replies, will be valuable to me.

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 10:42 AM, rajath kumara <rajathkumara at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
>  Currently I am using wpcap function to obtain list of all ports in my
> system.
> but assume i need to find only active ports in my system, for this, is
> their any wpcap function which will provide me
> list of all active ports in my system?
> for eg: i have some 10 ports in my system.
>           if i use a cross cable and create a loopback among 2 ports, then,
> is their any wpcap function, which gives me list of only
>           loopback active ports?
> kindly suggest me.
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