[Winpcap-users] wireshark timing issue on server side

tfcrowe at eircom.net tfcrowe at eircom.net
Tue Dec 21 08:11:10 PST 2010

Can anyone shed some light on why I'm getting these timestamps which don't seem to make sense ...

Scenario: Client and server windows boxes. Latest wireshark installed on each. Tried simple file upload using filezilla from client to server. Server is a hosted box (probably virtualized environment) but I have taken account of this fix http://www.winpcap.org/pipermail/winpcap-bugs/2010-January/001153.html. Client connection goes out over office lan so I'm assuming wired connection all the way to the server.

Issue: During the FTP setup protocol, the PORT request received on the server has the same timestamp as the previous ftp request ("TYPE A"). How could this be?

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