[Winpcap-users] dll Distribution

Stanislav Tsanev skt304 at lehigh.edu
Wed Sep 24 17:37:35 GMT 2008

I use winpcap to read capture files. I am not capturing packets or  
doing anything else in the application beyond calling  
pcap_open_offline, pcap_compile, pcap_setfilter, and pcap_next_ex. I  
would like to be able to xcopy deploy the application. Do I need to  
install winpcap using the packaged installer, or can I just distribute  
the appropriate dlls (I'm guessing wpcap.dll and packet.dll)? I don't  
think I need the driver, but I don't know what dependencies there are.

Right now it seems all the computers I have access to have Wireshark  
installed, so I can't test.


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