[Winpcap-users] DMA and Kernel Buffer Issues

Zafer SAVAS zsavas at aselsan.com.tr
Thu May 8 16:03:49 GMT 2008

Hello winpcap users,

I have 2 questions about packet capturing. Would someone please share his/her knowledge about them?

- Does all of the ethernet adapters support DMA transfer? I mean; after a packet is received, is it transfered to the user side (Kernel buffer of the winpcap library) with a DMA transfer or not?

- There are two functions, pcap_setbuff() and pcap_setmintocopy(), in winpcap. Although they are explained in winpcap documentation, would someone please explain their functionality in detail? Has someone ever observed their effect? Also I appreciate if someone posts a code segment about the usage of them?

Kind regards

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