[Winpcap-users] compiling the src of winpcap 4.02
Jonas Neander
j.neander at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 28 07:27:45 GMT 2008
From: j.neander at hotmail.com
To: winpcap-users at winpcap.org
Subject: compiling the src of winpcap 4.02
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 17:01:27 +0100
I get compiling errors when I try to compile the src on win xp
I follow the guide how to compile the driver for Windows 2000/XP/2003 from the readme-visualC file.
1. I don´t have the DDK becaus I can't download it and MS writes that the WDK replaces the old DDK.
2. readme-visualC file says that I should use the command Compile2k but I don't have it, just CompileDriver.bat
When I run the bat file I get the following output:
* Compiling the driver for Windows NT5.x 32 bit *
Microsoft (R) PREfast Version 8.0.50727.80118.
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
BUILD: Compile and Link for x86
BUILD: Loading c:\winddk\6001.18000\build.dat...
BUILD: Computing Include file dependencies:
BUILD: Start time: Thu Mar 27 16:36:53 2008
BUILD: Examining c:\documents and settings\sejonea\my documents\cga\kompilering\winpcap 4.1b\packetntx directory tree for files to compile.
c:\documents and settings\sejonea\my documents\cga\kompilering\winpcap 4.1b\packetntx
c:\documents and settings\sejonea\my documents\cga\kompilering\winpcap 4.1b\packetntx\driver
BUILD: Saving c:\winddk\6001.18000\build.dat...
BUILD: Compiling and Linking c:\documents and settings\sejonea\my documents\cga\kompilering\winpcap 4.1b\packetntx\driver directory _NT_TARGET_VERSION SET TO WINXP
errors in directory c:\documents and settings\sejonea\my documents\cga\kompilering\winpcap 4.1b\packetntx\driver
c:\winddk\6001.18000\bin\makefile.new(7040) : error U1087: cannot have : and :: dependents for same target
errors in directory c:\documents and settings\sejonea\my documents\cga\kompilering\winpcap 4.1b\packetntx\driver nmake.exe /nologo BUILDMSG=Stop. -i BUILD_PASS=PASS2 LINKONLY=1 NOPASS0=1 MAKEDIR_RELATIVE_TO_BASEDIR= failed - rc = 2
BUILD: Finish time: Thu Mar 27 16:37:08 2008
0 files compiled - 2 Errors
Error: The build command 'build' returned status '1'.
PREfast did not appear to do anything.
If there was no error on your command line, it may be
that your build command is overriding PREfast's settings.
The prior result log was retained.
I have looked at the faqs about this and if someone else had the same problem but I can't find anything.
Someone have a clue what to do?
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