[Winpcap-users] Can winpcap capture that fast?

Zafer SAVAS zsavas at aselsan.com.tr
Tue Apr 29 13:46:50 GMT 2008


I have a question about the recording capability of the Winpcap library:
I want to monitor a gigabit ethernet link where a large amount of data is flowing (430.000 MAC Layer packets/second).
When I observe my network connection status for incoming and outgoing packets using the windows LAN connection on the system tray, I see that exactly 430.000 packets are received. However when I want to record them using my c program, I can only record 20.000 of them.

So, do you think I am doing something wrong or is this the maximum speed of the library?

P.S : I am already using the dump file utility of the library for fast recording.

Best Regards


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