[Winpcap-users] Problem with configuring Visual Studio 2005 for WinPcap

Leung Louis nameless_leung at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 29 21:54:37 GMT 2007

I am having problem configuring Visual Studio 2005 for Winpcap

I tried to compile the Examples-pcap/basic_dump in the WpdPack I download 
from URL http://www.winpcap.org/install/bin/WpdPack_4_0.zip

It convert VC++6 project and compile without error, but if I try to create 
a new project in visual studio 2--5 and using winpcap, it shows an error 
C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support 
default-int when I build it.

1. I create new project(Win32 Project)  name it "test"
> Application Settings 
Application type: Console application 
Additional options : Empty project 

2. Header Files > Add Existing item > browse for pcap.h

3. right click test > Add Existing item > browse for wpcap.lib

4. Source Files > Add new item > C++ file I name it device_list.cpp
then I copy and paste the example to the file

5. right click test > properties
   Configuration Properties | C/C++ | General | Additional Include 
      browse to the Include files directory
   Configuration Properties | C/C++ | Preprocessor | Preprocessor 
   Configuration Properties | Linker | Input | Additional Dependencies
      add odbc32.lib , odbccp32.lib , wsock32.lib , ws2_32.lib , 

6. Then I build the project

1>------ Build started: Project: test, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>c:\vc\winpcap projects\test\test\device_list.cpp(4) : error C4430: 
missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support 
1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\vc\winpcap 
1>test - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

is anything else should also be need to be done..
plz help.

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