[Winpcap-users] "unresolved external symbol"

Samuel Voiron samuelvoiron at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 15:10:09 GMT 2007

Ok, I finally achived my goal: execute the first exemple of the tutorial !!
It was of course the inclusion of the Packet.lib and wpcap.lib in the
Link/Entries/Additional Librairies menu of the Project Propeties. I finally
found the menu in my french environement...

Ouahou !!

Thank you all

2007/3/13, Bryan Kadzban <bryan at kadzban.is-a-geek.net>:
> Samuel Voiron wrote:
> > Here's exactly what I did : In the Tools/Option menu, on the left, I
> > chosse "Projects and Solutions" (sorry my Visual is in french so I
> > merely translate) and "VC++ Directories".
> Directories isn't what you want.  (Don't get me wrong: it is needed.
> It's just not sufficient.)  You want to add a specific .lib *file* to
> the link as well (wpcap.lib).
> Try something named "Libraries" or "Files to link" or something like
> that (I've only rarely used VC++, and I don't remember how its UI is set
> up).  It'll probably show e.g. comctl32.lib, advapi32.lib, kernel32.lib,
> etc. already; add wpcap.lib to the list.
> > In the "Display Directories for" menu on the upper-right, I choose
> > "Include Files" and add a new line by selecting the Include directory
> > of the WinPcap Pack directory. I then do the same for "Librairy
> > files" in the upper-right menu, selecting the WinPcap/Lib directory
> > and adding it in a new line.
> Yes, this just added the directory to the linker search path.  It did
> *not* specifically ask the linker to link against wpcap.lib, which is
> what you need to do.
> I don't know where in the UI that's set, but if you know gcc, what
> you've done is the equivalent of gcc's -L option.  You need to use the
> equivalent of gcc's -l option also.
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Samuel Voiron
Ingénieur informatique du domaine spatial
M2 CCI d'Orsay - stagiaire à Astrium Toulouse

28 Bd de la Marne
31400 Toulouse
tél : 06 76 73 11 10
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