[Winpcap-users] provide a message from a programm

Bryan Kadzban bryan at kadzban.is-a-geek.net
Tue Sep 12 11:08:16 GMT 2006

Guy Harris wrote:
> For Wireshark, it's a bit more complicated; on UN*X, you can do it
> with a named pipe file, but I'm not sure whether you could send the
> standard output of a program to a named pipe on Windows.

Named pipes on Windows don't use the standard FS syscalls, though.
(Well, they do use the standard ReadFile / WriteFile calls, but they
don't use CreateFile.  Instead, it's been renamed to CreateNamedPipe.)

So even if you could send stdout of one program to a named pipe,
Wireshark wouldn't be able to read from that pipe unless it had special
code specifically written to open the named pipe instead of a file.
(The normal GTKFileChooserDialog isn't going to work either, because
named pipes don't show up in the directory tree.)

What might work is to redirect the output to a normal file, and pull
that file in after the other program is done.  But this is a "batch"
type process, so it won't work if you need a method that feeds packets
to Wireshark as they come in.
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