[Winpcap-users] Stop getting packets

Guy Harris guy at alum.mit.edu
Wed May 24 07:49:14 GMT 2006

Pelles, Noam wrote:

> I get messages like who is X.X.X.X tell Y.Y.Y.Y.

If you mean WinDump is printing "who is X.X.X.X tell Y.Y.Y.Y", that means
that WinPcap *is* getting packets - ARP "messages" are packets, and
constitute network activity.

ARP packets are often sent as broadcasts, so what might be happening is
that you're not getting any non-broadcast packets, other than traffic sent
to or from the machine running WinDump, after a certain amount of time. 
Is the machine running WinDump plugged into a switched network?

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