[Winpcap-users] Timestamps don't match system time

Jeri Morris jerimorris2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 28 00:02:41 GMT 2006

I'm new to windump, and I'm sure this is a newbie
question. Thank you in advance for your patience.

The date/timestamps in my windump dump don't match the
system date/time--far from it. For example, windump is
showing me traffic that I know happened today
(3/27/2006), but the windump dump gives 3/11/2006 as
the timestamp for this traffic. (I have confirmed that
my system clock is set properly.)

Why don't they match? 

Thank you!


PS. I'm using windump as a very low-level traffic
monitor to get more detail about a potential hacker
than Windows 2000 shows me. (It's a long story, but I
can't have a firewall on this system, so I use windump
to see attempts to access my system, even those that
are blocked by Microsoft's IPSEC.) So it's important
that I be able to match up windump's timestamps with
the correct system time.

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