[Winpcap-users] Borland C++ Builder 6

Steve Mc Donnell glennconnelly at campus.ie
Wed Mar 8 14:38:14 GMT 2006

Back in January I was asking for help compiling the WinPcap libraries with Borland C++ Builder 6 and later said that I was switching to Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003. But last week I found out that my college doesn't support Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 and I have to switch back to C++ Builder.

Has anyone had any success with C++ Builder 6?? It seems that the people who have had success were using the libraries from www.snoopanalyzer.com  or the TJesNetcomponents from http://delcomyn2.life.uiuc.edu/~reichler/TJesComponents/ and both of these links are dead! 

Does anyone know anywhere else I can find either snoop or TJesComponents?

Also the WinPcap faq says "If you want to use to Use WinPcap under C++ Builder (version 5.0)", is this implying the COFF2OMF.EXE converted libraries won't work with C++ Builder versions past 5.0?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

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