[Winpcap-users] why WinPcap is not capturing packets for my wireless PC card

vimal raj vimal.raj at cranessoftware.com
Mon Jun 26 09:43:47 GMT 2006



I tried to capture wireless packets using the basic_dump example. I could
capture Ethernet packet. Even though it is detecting my wireless driver it
is not displaying any result.


I got this result when I tried with a NETGEAR WAG511 PC card.


1. \Device\NPF_GenericDialupAdapter (Generic dialup adapter)

2. \Device\NPF_{71FFDFA2-557E-48C7-AE0E-F7F046395F27} (NETGEAR WAG511

g Dual Band Wireless PC Card)

3. \Device\NPF_{345D2B1C-EAEB-437B-AB9A-D848EAEF7DEA} (NDIS 5.0 driver


Enter the interface number (1-3):2


listening on NETGEAR WAG511 802.11a/b/g Dual Band Wireless PC Card...


how to capture data from a wireless card?





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