[Winpcap-users] Layout of binary files

Joao Rosa joao-p-rosa at telecom.pt
Tue Jul 4 15:17:21 GMT 2006

Dears Sirs



Could you please send me the layout of the inputs binary files of tethereal 

or the layout of the file of the sniffed with windump.


I have a large file (1,3 Gbytes) with MGCP and SCTP from a Softswtich and I need to sort and separate each call to be translated by tethereal .  


I have a scenario with about 26 media gateways, and I need to sort the date by time and by media gateway and afterwards translate the call with tethereal


Whenever I use tethereal to translate and sort it I get a very large file and my computer is unable to process the data.



With kinds regards

João Pereira Rosa




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