[Winpcap-users] SharpPcap as wrapper

GefRaitaSep at uboot.com GefRaitaSep at uboot.com
Mon Dec 18 22:25:53 GMT 2006


I know it´s not the best position to post here a question about SharpPcap the .NET-Wrapper of winpcap, but for SharpPcap doesn´t exist no forum nor mailing list and I thought some .NET experts using winpcap and sharppcap could hopefully answer my question.

As mentioned I´m using SharpPcap in my C# app. Since I´m trying to use AirpCap I found out that pcapDataLink and dataLinkLength and protocolOffset seems to be wrong for 802.11 packets from AirPcap. But the real problem is I´m receiving packets with 38 byte length from SharpPcap altough radiotap and 802.11 header should both have 24 byte (and Airpcap is should receive them because of my settings). In contrary to this, wireshark shows correct packets. 

Does anybody know something about this problem?

Best regards, Bernhard
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