[Winpcap-users] TCP/IP stack - reinventing the wheel

Thomas O'Hare Tom at RedTile.Com
Tue Aug 15 16:29:56 GMT 2006


A question first.

When you did your DLL did you create your own functions?  If so, did you
put them into a type of library to define them?  If so, what type of
library and what else can you share on this.  My biggest problem is my
own functions to be exported for use by "other" programs.  IOW, I need
to write functions to simplify a lot of what goes on in WinPCap so the
higher language (with less inherent power) can more easily process data.

Maybe an Answer:

Not really, but it is worth mentioning.

Can you set up a subnet mask to filter the IP addresses you want
monitored?  It is usually much easier at some point in your code to
define a subnet if possible as a filter then process the IP's that are

~ Thomas O'Hare ~
President, RedTile, Inc. - DBA: RedTile Software
Web, Wireless, Network, Database & Systems Software
+1.407.295.9148 ; +49.8651.717950 ; http://www.RedTile.Com/
Operations Manager; Virtual FoxPro User Group
Tom at VFUG.Org ; http://www.VFUG.Org/

Mark Buchanan wrote:
> My question is similar to one that has been asked but with a significant
> difference.
> Basically what I would like to do is have one adapter act as multiple
> computers (with separate IP address) on a network. I don't see a simple
> way to do this without coding the entire TCP/IP stack to handle all
> packets related to the protocol. The IP addresses would be predefined in
> a text file that the application would read at start up. MAC addresses
> would also be predefined in the same file. The application would then
> act as a server accepting TCP/IP connections from one or more clients on
> each IP address defined. This would all be done in Windows on .NET
> platform. Is there code out there that can be copied and adapted by an
> average programmer like myself - or am I crazy to consider doing such a
> project?
> The alternative is to put multiple adapters in a single PC - this could
> create quite the wiring mess if the node count gets high.
> A bit of background:
> I have successfully used WinPCAP encapsulated in a simple DLL file
> (functions called by .NET application) to simulate multiple Ethernet
> nodes in a non-TCP/IP environment. One application running on one PC
> simulating 63 controllers that accepts up to 4 connections / controller.
> To do this the code handles the entire OSI-COTP stack accepting and
> sending all packets on the wire. This sounds like a lot of effort but
> was make easier because the stack in this case was fairly simple.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Mark Buchanan
> Senior Engineer, Controls Systems
> Giffels Associates Limited
> Mark.Buchanan at giffels.com |  T 416 675 9750 Ext. 5253  |  F 416 798 5559  |  giffels.com
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