[Winpcap-announce] CALL FOR ACTION: Broken links to winpcap-based tools on the WinPcap website

Gianluca Varenni gianluca.varenni at cacetech.com
Wed Sep 15 14:05:58 PDT 2010


we are working on cleaning up the WinPcap website, and we have discovered 
that several WinPcap-based tools that you requested to add to our links page 
(http://www.winpcap.org/misc/links.htm) are no longer working. Below you 
will find a list of them.

If you are the owner/maintainer of any of these tools, please send an email 
to the WinPcap-team mailing list (winpcap-team at winpcap.org) or to me 
directly (gianluca.varenni at cacetech.com) with the updated link to your 

"Unclaimed" broken links will be removed from the WinPcap website within a 

Have a nice day
Gianluca Varenni
WinPcap Team


Line: 1010 
Status: 410 Gone
The resource is gone. You should remove this link.

 Line: 334 http://www.geocities.com/calinradoni/Status: 410 Gone
The resource is gone. You should remove this link.

GIPS IP Network Simulator
 Line: 431 http://www.globalipsound.com/solutions/solutions_Tools.php 
redirected to http://www.gipscorp.com/solutions/solutions_Tools.php
Status: 301 -> 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

 Nuzzler IDS
Line: 651 http://www.securepoint.cc/en/products-ids.html
Status: 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

 Winsock Programmer's FAQ - Section 5.5: Debugging Resources
Line: 1025 http://tangentsoft.net/wskfaq/resources/debugging.html
Status: 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

 Line: 962 http://www.ff.iij4u.or.jp/~ebata/soft/winpcapdhcpcd/
Status: 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

 Line: 925 http://www.bgnett.no/~giva/ redirected to 
Status: 301 -> 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

Line: 626 http://www.tenablesecurity.com/nevo.html
Status: 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

 Line: 957 http://www.ff.iij4u.or.jp/~ebata/soft/winpcaparp/
Status: 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

Line: 977 http://www.medicalconnections.co.uk/html/winwhif.html
Status: 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

 LeetGeek ICMP Tunneler
Line: 530 http://www.leetgeek.net/programs.html
Status: 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

PI IT Monitor
 Line: 706 
Status: 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

 Pseud IP Masquerade
Line: 730 http://www.ff.iij4u.or.jp/~ebata/soft/pipmasq/
Status: 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

 Line: 631 http://www.tenablesecurity.com/newt.html
Status: 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

 Dice, a Windows program for decoding traces generated with WinDump -w.
Line: 1032 http://www.ngthomas.co.uk/dice.htm
Status: 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

 Line: 838 http://www.ts-associates.com/products/ting.html redirected to 
Status: 301 -> 404 NOT FOUND
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

 Line: 407 http://www.fnfr.com/solutions/FanfareSVT.htm redirected to 
Status: 301 -> 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

Line: 319 http://rhizome.org/carnivore/
Status: 404 Not Found
The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake 
in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you 
may want to remove or fix the link.

NETI at home
 Line: 584 http://www.neti.gatech.edu/
Status: 403 Forbidden
The link is forbidden! This needs fixing. Usual suspects: a missing 
index.html or Overview.html, or a missing ACL.

HTTP snoop
 Line: 466 
Status: 403 Forbidden
The link is forbidden! This needs fixing. Usual suspects: a missing 
index.html or Overview.html, or a missing ACL.

 Line: 742 http://www.csee.usf.edu/~christen/tools/toolpage.html
Status: 200 OK
Some of the links to this resource point to broken URI fragments (such as 

 Line: 403 http://www.fapguard.com/
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to www.fapguard.com:80 (Bad hostname 
The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.

 Line: 841 http://delcomyn2.life.uiuc.edu/~reichler/TJesComponents/
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to delcomyn2.life.uiuc.edu:80 (Bad hostname 
The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.

 Packet Excalibur
Line: 671 http://www.securitybugware.org/excalibur/
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to www.securitybugware.org:80 (Bad hostname 
The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.

Line: 450 http://www.securityprofiling.com/honeyd/honeyd.shtml
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to www.securityprofiling.com:80 (Bad hostname 
The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.

 Line: 536 http://www.packetfactory.net/Projects/Libnet/
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to www.packetfactory.net:80 (Bad hostname 
The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.

 Line: 571 http://www.packetfactory.net/projects/nemesis/
Status: (N/A) Can't connect to www.packetfactory.net:80 (Bad hostname 
The hostname could not be resolved. Check the link for typos.

 Line: 792 http://www.snoopanalyzer.com/snoopnetcop/standard_01.asp
Status: (N/A) Forbidden by robots.txt
The link was not checked due to robots exclusion rules. Check the link 

 Line: 501 http://www.bosstechinc.net/products.htm
Status: (N/A) Forbidden by robots.txt
The link was not checked due to robots exclusion rules. Check the link 

 Line: 785 http://www.snoopanalyzer.com/snoopanalyzer/standard_01.asp
Status: (N/A) Forbidden by robots.txt
The link was not checked due to robots exclusion rules. Check the link 

ItCan.Net Monitor
 Line: 508 http://itcan.programmer.nl/
Status: (N/A) Forbidden by robots.txt
The link was not checked due to robots exclusion rules. Check the link 

Line: 789 
Status: (N/A) Forbidden by robots.txt
The link was not checked due to robots exclusion rules. Check the link 

 MSN Protocol Analyzer
Line: 558 http://www.nextsecurity.net/products/MSNPAnalyzer/MSNPAnalyzer.htm
Status: (N/A) Forbidden by robots.txt
The link was not checked due to robots exclusion rules. Check the link 

 Line: 938 http://www.nextsecurity.net/
Status: (N/A) Forbidden by robots.txt
The link was not checked due to robots exclusion rules. Check the link 

Line: 780 http://www.gilgil.co.kr/snoop
Status: 500 Can't connect to www.gilgil.co.kr:80 (connect: timeout)
This is a server side problem. Check the URI.

Line: 328 
Status: 500 Can't connect to www.choozmail.com:80 (connect: timeout)
This is a server side problem. Check the URI.

 Line: 892 http://www.lorenzocerulli.tk/
Status: 502 Bad Gateway


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