[pcap-ng-format] Proposing new block type for PCAP-NG (UNCLASSIFIED)

Michael Richardson mcr at sandelman.ca
Wed Apr 1 14:26:39 UTC 2015

Guy Harris <guy at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
    > A machine could have multiple location providers, including one per
    > interface, so that'd support both "my mobile computer with its GPS,
    > Wi-Fi, and mobile phone interface" and "my machine, gathering packets
    > from multiple probes moving independently".

Hmm... this is great work and thinking.
As I read it, I began to have visions of the uncollapsed quantum mechanical
position propability waveforms... :-)

    > Merging captures would mean assigning a new set of location provider
    > IDs and updating LIBs to use the new IDs.

    > If we went for per-packet location information, the option to give a
    > location report with a packet would include both a location provider ID
    > and location information.

So as I understand, you are saying that we are adding a layer of indirection
in order to avoid repeating information, and so we'll have to manage the
indexes when we merge files.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
]     mcr at sandelman.ca  http://www.sandelman.ca/        |   ruby on rails    [ 

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