[pcap-ng-format] Moving forward with pcap-ng

Jasper Bongertz jasper.bongertz at flane.de
Tue Jun 26 08:43:12 PDT 2012

Hi Richard,

I'm  interested  in  helping  with  completing  the  pcap-ng  spec and
enhancing   it  further,  so  if you like you can count me in. Maybe I
even manage to find you at Sharkfest to talk to you in person.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 4:14:57 AM, you wrote:

> Hi folks,

> Today I talked with a bunch of Wireshark folks and to Loris Degioanni
> about moving forward with pcap-ng.

> I think the consensus is that moving forward consists of:

> 1. Completing the spec,
> 2. Enhancing it with additional features/items that a good number of
> us agree are useful.

> The way to achieve both of these is through this mailing list.

> Loris is agreeable to handing over the spec to a volunteer or
> volunteers who can do these things.

> So, I guess I am calling for that volunteer or volunteers.

> I have also tried contacting the people at the Hone project who have
> already made private extensions to pcap-ng. I am trying to encourage
> them to post their extensions here so we can discuss them and figure
> out whether we agree with them or not.

> In addition I will encourage other organizations like the CloudShark
> folks and the PCAPR folks to participate here.

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