<div dir="ltr"><div>Hmmm that might be possible but somehow very hacky. <br><br></div><div>Additional arguments against such a hacky solution: No correct version handling and registry parameters stay like in the old version. What happens in Upgrade Scenarios with such a hacky 4.1.1 when installing the 4.1.3 from WinPCAP? Then e.g. a 4.1.2 install could damage the 4.1.3 assemblies from the hacky installer. Who handles e.g. when a 3.x version of WinPCAP is installed and so on? The whole functionality and cross functionality between NMAP WInPCAP + WinPCAP WinPcap Installer must be considered and verified. <br>
<br>Mean the fallback approach will be same like in Wireshark: WinPCAP 4.1.3 and customer has to click through the install himself. But then e.g. customer could disable "Automatically start the WInPcap driver at boot time" ...<br>
<br></div><div>BTW: The sources of NMAP WinPCAP are available and so also a custom version of NMAP WinPCAP could be built using NSIS.<br></div></div>