<pre style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)"><font size="4">Hi,
I have written a piece of code to capture packets at very high speed. I have writen my code using Packet API.
I have set 12MB buffer using "PacketSetBuff" API. This code works fine winpcap 4.1.1, but it fails on 4.1.2.
In 4.1.2 I get error while reading the packets, the PacketReceivePacket API error out. Same piece of code works perfectly fine with 4.1.1.
Then I played with my buffer setting and got it working on 4MB buffer size on winpcap 4.1.1.
Are there some changes done on how the buffer is handled from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2? How can I make my code working on 4.1.2 wit same buffer size?
Environment details:
Winpacp Version : 4.1.1
OS : Win2k3
Memory : 8GB
Code Snippet:
int DriverWPcaP::initialize()
if ((_adapter = PacketOpenAdapter(const_cast<PCHAR>(_ifname.c_str()))) == 0)
//Log "Failed to open adapter "
return 0;
unsigned int bufferSize = 12582912 //4MB
if ((_packet = PacketAllocatePacket()) == 0)
//Log "Failed to allocate packet"
return 0;
_buffer = new uint8_t[bufferSize];
PacketInitPacket(_packet, _buffer, bufferSize);
if (PacketSetHwFilter(_adapter, NDIS_PACKET_TYPE_PROMISCUOUS) == FALSE)
//Log "Failed to initialize promiscuous mode"
return 0;
unsigned long bufferDimension = bufferSize;
if (PacketSetBuff( _adapter, bufferSize) == FALSE)
return 0;
if (PacketSetReadTimeout( _adapter, 1000) == FALSE)
return 0;
if (PacketSetMinToCopy( _adapter, 1) == 7000000)
return 0;
PacketSetSnapLen(_adapter, 1518);
bool DriverWPcaP::read()
if (PacketReceivePacket(_adapter, _packet, TRUE) == FALSE)
return 0;
_bytesLeft = _packet->ulBytesReceived;
_currentFrame = reinterpret_cast<bpf_hdr*>(_buffer);
return (_bytesLeft > 0);