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<body class='hmmessage'><div style="text-align: left;"><br></div>From: j.neander@hotmail.com<br><br>To: winpcap-users@winpcap.org<br>Subject: compiling the src of winpcap 4.02<br>Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 17:01:27 +0100<br><br>
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<div style="text-align: left;">Hi<br>I get compiling errors when I try to compile the src on win xp<br>I follow the guide how to compile the driver for Windows 2000/XP/2003 from the readme-visualC file.<br>1. I don´t have the DDK becaus I can't download it and MS writes that the WDK replaces the old DDK.<br>2. readme-visualC file says that I should use the command Compile2k but I don't have it, just CompileDriver.bat<br><br>When I run the bat file I get the following output:<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">******************************************************<br>* Compiling the driver for Windows NT5.x 32 bit *<br>******************************************************<br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Microsoft (R) PREfast Version 8.0.50727.80118.<br>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.<br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BUILD: Compile and Link for x86<br>BUILD: Loading c:\winddk\6001.18000\build.dat...<br>BUILD: Computing Include file dependencies:<br>BUILD: Start time: Thu Mar 27 16:36:53 2008<br>BUILD: Examining c:\documents and settings\sejonea\my documents\cga\kompilering\winpcap 4.1b\packetntx directory tree for files to compile.<br> c:\documents and settings\sejonea\my documents\cga\kompilering\winpcap 4.1b\packetntx<br> c:\documents and settings\sejonea\my documents\cga\kompilering\winpcap 4.1b\packetntx\driver<br>BUILD: Saving c:\winddk\6001.18000\build.dat...<br>BUILD: Compiling and Linking c:\documents and settings\sejonea\my documents\cga\kompilering\winpcap 4.1b\packetntx\driver directory _NT_TARGET_VERSION SET TO WINXP<br>errors in directory c:\documents and settings\sejonea\my documents\cga\kompilering\winpcap 4.1b\packetntx\driver<br>c:\winddk\6001.18000\bin\makefile.new(7040) : error U1087: cannot have : and :: dependents for same target<br>errors in directory c:\documents and settings\sejonea\my documents\cga\kompilering\winpcap 4.1b\packetntx\driver nmake.exe /nologo BUILDMSG=Stop. -i BUILD_PASS=PASS2 LINKONLY=1 NOPASS0=1 MAKEDIR_RELATIVE_TO_BASEDIR= failed - rc = 2<br><br>BUILD: Finish time: Thu Mar 27 16:37:08 2008<br>BUILD: Done<br><br> 0 files compiled - 2 Errors<br>Error: The build command 'build' returned status '1'.<br><br>PREfast did not appear to do anything.<br>If there was no error on your command line, it may be<br>that your build command is overriding PREfast's settings.<br>The prior result log was retained.<br></div><br><br>I have looked at the faqs about this and if someone else had the same problem but I can't find anything.<br>Someone have a clue what to do?<br><br>/Jonas<br></div><blockquote><br><hr>Du har väl läst dagens Nemi? <a href="http://msnse.microsoft.se/serier/nemi/" target="_blank">MSN Serier</a>
</blockquote><br /><hr />Du har väl läst dagens Nemi? <a href='http://msnse.microsoft.se/serier/nemi/' target='_new'>MSN Serier</a></body>