<P>hi,<BR>I'm working over a platform builded with Platform Builder 4.2. I've<BR>developped a normal Dll for capture ethernet packet. There is an export"IO_Control" to open \close\initiate ..my adapter. This device use<BR>NDIS library version 4.0. I've problems with the function<BR>NDisOpenAdapter that give me the error NDIS_STATUS_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND. I<BR>try to understand, reading also the newsgroup, why the open adapter<BR>fails but nothing. The AdapterName that I use for the function is the<BR>result of a registry search on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\NE2000\Linkage<BR>and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\VMini\Linkage that give me NE20001 and<BR>VMINI1. Both of them doesn't works. I've also reused microsoft code<BR>ndisconfig.c trying to recover the adapter names bind in my platform.<BR>I've obtained the name "PCI\RTL81391" that I've used for AdapterName<BR>but also this name doesn't works. The question is: what is wrong in the param "AdapterName".<BR>I really don't know what to do!<BR>many thanks<BR></P><br />
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