Hello all,<br><br>I am reading packets from a different interface to that of the Network interface of Winpcap.<br>I use a USB interface. So to get the packets I read to a pcap format, I have to fill in a pcap_t <br>structure. For this, Since I need to give the time stamp, in the pcap_timeval in the pcap_pkthdr,
<br>I want to get the time stamp. <br><br>gettimeofday() dont work in windows, GetSystemTime() has only accuracy in ms which is not <br>adequate to me. <br><br>Can anyone please give me a clue to overcome this, May be I can use the Winpcap way of
<br>getting the timestamp (possibly from the system) but I do not have any Idea of how it gets<br>it kindly guide me to this. <br><br>Can I use a simple counter instead of the real time stamp? Is this advisable? Since I am not
<br>really interested in knowing the exact time the packets arrived.<br><br>Regards<br><br>Xavier<br>