Hi,<br><br>Thanks for the help so far, I really appreciate it, cause I am no expert of<br>Visual Studio.<br><br>I tried to compile the Sample programs given in the winpcap developers<br>pack. There was this been given to when tried to compile basic_dump.c
<br><br>Error 1 fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'LIBCD.lib' basic_dump <br><br>I tried to build all but the same message. But I was able to compile every other <br>sample and it worked fine. <br>
<br>Now to compile this we require the libraries to be in the Lib folder of the <br>developers pack. But as I compile wpcap.dll from the source the library files that<br>are generated (wpcap.lib and packet.lib) is in the winpcap folder. I need to compile
<br>it since I have to add support to our device in pcap-W32.c and have our own<br>pcap-???.c in which we have a ???_pcap_open_live() function in it .<br><br>Now I want to write my own c/c++ code and make use of the wpcap.dll
, That is <br>to set the device names and this will be my main program. Where should I place <br>this file. and how can I make use of the newly compiled wpcap.dll in my program<br>(In other words how can i make use of the newly generated lib files)
<br><br>Shall I create project with all the other samples and copy paste the newly <br>generated libraries, if not kindly guide me to a much professional approach.<br><br>Thanks alot<br><br>Xavier<br>